2015 Assist Walk for Wellness

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UPDATE: Find information sheets with details about the the walk in each location in our September 8 blog.

You’ve probably heard about the Alberta Lawyers’ Assistance Society (Assist). But have you heard about the annual Assist Walk for Wellness?

Assist is an independent charitable society whose goal is to keep lawyers in Alberta happy and healthy. The annual Assist Walk for Wellness is one way that they encourage those in the profession to nurture their physical and mental health.

The walk is free! Participants are only asked to pledge one of the following: family, active, quiet, reflective, or fun time.

Why not mark your calendar now to set aside a little time for your health and wellness in September? You can join Assist for the walk in one of these 3 locations:


September 17
September 23
September 24

Visit albertalawyersassist.ca for more information.

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