Program Feature: Effective Legal Support

Effective Legal Support

Legal support staff are the backbone of a legal practice, and those with the knowledge and skill to facilitate efficient work practices can have a considerable effect on a firm’s success.

This January 17 (Edmonton) and 19 (Calgary), join program chair Michelle D. Millard, TEP and a distinguished panel for Effective Legal Support . Delve into strategies to more effectively utilize the talents and proficiencies of your legal support staff.

Who Should Attend?

This program is targeted to legal support staff from all practice areas interested in developing skills for providing more meaningful and effective legal support. Discover tools and strategies to effectively organize, prioritize, diarize, and learn to use office technology more efficiently.

This program may also be of interest to lawyers or office managers who supervise or train support staff. Uncover the role of support staff, including the many duties they perform, and explore various ways to work with your support staff to maximize the efficiency of your practice.

What You’ll Take Away

In a recent interview, we asked program chair, Michelle D. Millard what she thinks attendees will take away from this program. Here is what she had to say.

Participants will walk away having a better understanding of how to best provide legal assistance or use their legal assistants to become more efficient at their practice. This will allow the lawyer to practice more of the legal side and the legal assistant to add value by keeping things moving along smoothly. Participants will also be getting checklists that they will be able to use and refer to, and will walk away with pointers about different practices that other people follow.”

What Perspectives You’ll Gain

Learn practice management tips and strategies from distinguished panelists Ross G McLeod Q.C., Elizabeth Aspinall, Erica Banick, Bev Boyden, Bente Hallin, Kristine Jeffels, Aurora Lifeso, and Marvin Toy.

Here’s what Michelle had to say about the diversity of this panel and some of the perspectives you’ll gain.

We have a number of experienced legal assistants to speak about how and why an efficient practice benefits everyone. We also have a lawyer, who is very efficient in his practice, to address how to work most effectively with a legal assistant. Some outside parties will be participating as well and will be taking a bit more of a holistic perspective, offering solutions to make sure things run fairly, smoothly, and in accordance with the rules.”

Registration and Additional Information

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn tips for enhancing the efficiency of your practice. Register online to attend our Effective Legal Support program.

Take advantage of our Early Bird discount. Register on or before December 13, 2016, and receive $40 off the regular price.

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