Jennifer LC Flynn

LESA is happy to announce that our Managing Director, Jennifer Flynn, will be moving into the Executive Director role as Paul F. Wood QC steps aside in June 2013. The next year will be one of transition, but thanks to the forethought and detailed succession planning of our Executive Team, the transition will be seamless. We will continue to bring you the excellence in legal education you’ve come to expect from us, and our organization is indeed in a very strong position.

Jennifer has been with our organization since 2008. Prior to joining us, Jennifer was first in private practice at a large Edmonton firm and then a business law instructor at NAIT’s JR Shaw School of Business. Her unique background of business, law, education, technology, and communications has made her a notable asset to LESA’s team.

“Jennifer is right for the role. She has excelled in everything she has done at LESA,” Paul says. “She will be an exceptional Executive Director, and am very comfortable with this transition to her very capable hands.”

Jennifer is excited about the new responsibilities on her plate. “I am very honoured to be taking on this role, and I’m grateful for the support I’ve received from our staff and our friends in the legal community. I look forward to a busy and engaging year.”

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