Criminal Law Fundamentals

SKU: 092.118.00

Are you a LESA Library subscriber? | The Criminal Law Fundamentals is available in electronic format on the LESA Library. Subscribers of the criminal law collection, or the complete LESA Library, gain automatic access to the most up-to-date version of this manual electronically. For more information on LESA Library subscription options, click here.


Criminal Law Fundamentals is an essential resource for any criminal law practice. Prepared by leading criminal practitioners, this publication provides you with the necessary tools to navigate the criminal justice system and build your practice. Highlights include chapters on:

  • Judicial interim release
  • Classification of offences and elections
  • Preliminary inquiries
  • Indictments and information
  • Preparing for trial
  • Adult sentencing
  • The Youth Criminal Justice Act

Please note that Criminal Law Fundamentals is not a subscription service and you will not receive regular updates. For inquiries regarding our subscription services, contact our office by emailing [email protected] or by calling 780.420.1987.

Update: 2018

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This version of Criminal Law Fundamentals is provided in hardcopy format only. You will be shipped a binder. Once placed, your order will be processed within 5 business days and shipped to the address indicated.

Criminal Law Fundamentals is also available in electronic format by subscribing either to the criminal law section of the LESA Library or to the entire LESA Library. For more information on subscription options to access the electronic format of this publication, click here.



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