Program Feature – Client Relationship Essentials

Client Relationship Essentials

Clients are the foundation of most legal practices, so the relationship you form with your clients is monumental in the overall success and growth of your business.

Join seminar chair Kristin Ailsby and faculty for Client Relationship Essentials this April 18 (Edmonton), and discover methods for maximizing client value to enhance your practice.

Question and Answer

In a recent interview, we spoke with Kristin to find out what makes this seminar unique and why you should attend. Here’s what she had to say.

Can you tell me about some of the topics that will be covered at this program?

Most LESA programs are usually focused on a particular area of law, which all have two things in common – a client who is keen to get good advice and a lawyer who wants to give great advice. This program is about the relationship between lawyers and clients. Our goal is to encourage lawyers to reconsider how they are delivering their service so that clients can maximize the takeaway.”

What do you think attendees will find most beneficial about this program?

The benefit of attending this program is that attendees are going to look at what they do and how to do it differently. It’s a creative invitation to look at the value we can offer to clients.”

Can you tell me a bit about the panel that has been put together for this program?

This panel is very different. First, we have Heather McKay [QC], who is an extremely competent, very experienced lawyer who has an exceptionally high standard of lawyering. She is presenting tips and strategies for giving clients exceptional service. Next is Katherine Kowalchuk, and she has an unconventional way of helping clients that is based out of a client care model. Her topic is designed to teach attendees how to assist clients through their litigation journey so they understand how they are contributing to the conflict and how to get around it. Lawyers don’t typically look at this introspective reflection about conflict. Then, we have Alexander Yiu who will discuss the concept of contemplative lawyering based on principles of mindfulness. Every time I hear him talk he presents very intuitive, sensible ways for managing your own client conflict experiences and maximizing their ability to manage conflict as well. Finally, we have George Virtue [CPA, CA]. He is a managing partner of a very successful accounting firm in Southern Alberta. George became my business coach when I went on my own and established my firm. George has exceptional experience with maximizing client service, and he is going to talk about his approach to client relationships and the results he’s seen in his firm. George is going to invite lawyers to reconsider the value of client relationships.”

What will be some of the key program takeaways?

My goal is that attendees will leave this program being able to understand how clients feel and what they think about our advice so that they can adjust how they give that advice in the face of the client experience. I believe that as lawyers, we each have something different to offer to our clients. Yet, if clients are not able to articulate or understand what makes their lawyer great or amazing, then we are missing the mark. So, the takeaway – in large part – will be maximizing client service and ultimately your business growth.”

Register Online

Clients are the foundation of a successful practice. Find out how you can improve your client relations to grow your business. Register online to attend Client Relationship Essentials in Edmonton (April 18).

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