Volunteer Profile

Kelly Osaka

Dentons Canada LLP

On-Demand Programs

  • Rules of Court 2023: Year in Review (On-Demand)

    This year-in-review presentation canvasses the various ways that the courts, counsel, and litigants have interpreted the Rules of Court. Significant cases and interesting points of civil procedure are examined, including summary judgment, dismissal for delay, record production, questioning and undertakings, experts, and preparing for trial and summary trial. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a live webinar on October 18, 2023. Total running time is 1 hour, 9 minutes.
  • Rules of Court 2022: Year in Review (On-Demand)

    This webinar provides an overview of significant case law that has interpreted the Rules of Court on interesting points of law in 2022. This on-demand program was originally broadcast as a live webinar on September 19, 2022. Total running time is 1 hour and 31 minutes.
  • Rules of Court Year in Review: What Litigators Need to Know (On-Demand)

    Discuss from a practice perspective case law that has interpreted the Rules of Court on interesting points of law during the pandemic. This on-demand program was originally broadcasted as a webinar on September 14, 2021. Total running time is 1 hour, 31 minutes.
  • Rules of Court (On-Demand)

    Concrete knowledge of the Rules of Court is critical for every litigator. Revisit the “must-know” rules, consider recent judicial treatment of select rules, and discover practical tips for running effective litigation files. Topics include pleadings and discovery, effective use of expert witnesses and the rules relating to experts in both the pre-trial and trial context, and service ex juris, jurisdiction applications, and the rules relating to jurisdiction.
  • Rules of Court: Pleadings and Discovery (On-Demand)

    Review topics like pleading particulars, pleading adverse interests, pleading to inform document production and pleading to inform the scope of questioning.


  • Rules of Court Year in Review: What Litigators Should Know

    As the courts and practitioners continue to adapt to the new realities of litigation, so too have the interpretation and application of the Alberta Rules of Court. This paper provides an overview of significant case law that has interpreted the Rules of Court on interesting points of law since September 2022. Topics addressed include limitation periods, summary judgement, amendments to pleadings, dismissal for delay, expert reports, costs, time for service of statement of claim, vexatious litigants, and appeal rights. This paper was presented at LESA’s Rules of Court 2023: Year in Review webinar on October 18, 2023.
  • What Litigators Should Know

    In the style of short snappers, this paper provides an overview of significant case law that has interpreted the Rules of Court on interesting points of law in 2022. This paper was presented at LESA’s Rules of Court 2022: Year in Review webinar on September 19, 2022.
  • Rules of Court Year in Review: What Litigators Need to Know

    Presented in the style of short snappers, this paper provides an overview of significant case law that interprets the Alberta Rules of Court on interesting points of law during the ‘COVID-19 years’ (2020-2021). Themes addressed include limitation periods, varying and setting aside orders, dismissal for delay, summary judgment post-Hannam, expert reports, remote questioning, and affidavits of records. This paper was presented at LESA’s Rules of Court Year in Review: What Litigators Need to Know webinar on September 14, 2021.
  • Principles to Guide Strategic Pleadings

    This paper sets out four principles for drafting pleadings strategically – pleading particulars; pleading adverse interests; pleading to inform the scope of document production; and pleading to inform the scope of questioning. Applying these principles will help to ensure pleadings adequately present the claim/defence, and obtain the evidence necessary to make one’s case. This paper was presented at LESA’s Rules of Court 2020 webinar on November 4 & 5, 2020.
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