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Volunteer Profile

Joshua Selby


Miller Thomson LLP

On-Demand Programs

  • Condominium Law Update (On-Demand)

    Get up to speed on recent amendments to the Condominium Property Act and their impact on your day-to-day practice. This on-demand program was originally broadcast as a webinar on March 15, 2022. Total running time for each presentation ranges between 30 minutes to 1 hour. Each presentation in this program is available for individual purchase.
  • Tips and Traps of Condo Conveyancing (On-Demand)

    Discover tips for condominium conveyancing, including things to look for when conducting due diligence. This on-demand program originally broadcast on March 15, 2022, as part of our Condominium Law Update webinar. Total running time is 1 hour, with an additional 52 minute faculty Q&A.


  • Alberta Real Estate Practice Manual

    Whether you practice in commercial or residential real estate, this manual is for you. The Alberta Real Estate Practice Manual provides a comprehensive overview of real estate transactions in Alberta. Written by real estate practitioners from across the province, this publication follows the real estate deal from start to finish.


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