48th Annual Refresher: Wills & Estates


UPDATE: This seminar occurred in the past, and the seminar materials are now available.
• LESA Library subscribers can already access course materials through the LESA Library.
• Alternatively you can purchase course materials a la carte (search 48th annual wills & estates).
• You can also view the list of upcoming seminars to discover live programs that are available now.

Happy New Year!

We hope everyone enjoyed a refreshing and relaxing holiday and is now ready to take on the new year! Here at LESA one of our big projects for 2015 is preparing for the 48th Annual Refresher: Wills & Estates, which runs from April 19-21 at the beautiful Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise.

Today’s blog will let you in on what we’ve been planning.

Each year the Refresher provides in-depth coverage of topics related to a particular practice area, and in 2015 we’re focusing on the area of wills and estates. This three day program is open to all practitioners and is targeted specifically to more senior practitioners.

LESA is also hosting a one day preconference program in Lake Louise on Saturday, April 18 Drafting Your First Trust. This seminar will be of particular interest to junior lawyers in their first five years of practice.

Drafting Your Frist Trust includes informative presentations on the following topics:
•    Fundamentals of Trust Drafting,
•    Trusts – Starting with the End in Mind,
•    Taxes and Trusts,
•    Trusts in a Corporate Setting,
•    Drafting and Administering Trusts with Multiple Beneficiaries, and
•    Power of the Trust.

Our experienced panel of instructors will provide high-quality information about all of these topics. You’ll gain skills to help you determine client objectives, discuss the process of drafting a trust from inception to wind-up, discover practical drafting tips, and more.

The Refresher itself begins on Sunday, April 19. With 6 sessions running from Sunday to Tuesday, you will gain a considerable amount of information about important changes to legislation and other topics of significance in the area of wills and estates.

Hear from our two keynote speakers about the issue of aid in dying, which is currently before the Supreme Court. Dr. Arthur Schafer of the University of Manitoba will discuss ethical and legal issues; Kevin Díaz, Director of Legal Affairs for Oregon based Compassion & Choices, will describe Oregon’s experience with its Death with Dignity Act.

Discuss issues unique to blended families, such as spousal claims, family maintenance, and support; structure of wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and beneficiary designations; and cohabitation and prenuptial agreements. Discover practical tips for handling these issues effectively.

Review how changes to the taxation of testamentary trusts affect estate planning and charitable giving. Learn how to better understand and advise settlors or trustees dealing with the 21 Year Deemed Disposition Rule.

As a planner, learn how to thwart the litigators by protecting wills and gifts. Cover the issues faced by estate lawyers, how to avoid them, and how to remedy them when they occur. Also discuss issues related to capacity assessments.

Discuss the AGTA legislation, how to apply its provisions to achieve your client’s desired outcomes, and how it has changed the capacity assessment process. Learn how to prepare clear and complete Enduring Powers of Attorney and Personal Directives in anticipation of possible incapacity. Hear from the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee about their role in providing services.

Review how the WSA and case law affect family maintenance and support claims, the court’s authority to rectify and validate wills, and applications brought forward under the Surrogate Rules.

With all the valuable information provided in these 6 sessions, we know this Refresher program will provide enormous value to all who attend. The Law Society has also recognized the benefit of this program: attending the entire Refresher program entitles you to a $75 rebate on the Alberta Professional Liability Insurance levy.

We know you probably want to find out even more about this great program, so we’ve got a brochure with all the details at the print shop right now. Keep an eye on your mail: the brochure should be hitting your desk next week.

Don’t forget to register by February 3 to take advantage of early bird registration deadline. And remember that you can choose to register for one or both of the Drafting Your First Trust and the 48th Annual Refresher programs.

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