Volunteer Profile

Nancy Lynn Golding KC

Moodys Private Client Law LLP

Upcoming Programs

On-Demand Programs

  • EPAs: Commonly Occurring Issues Part 1 (On-Demand)

    Certain issues regularly come up when dealing with powers of attorney. This on-demand program addresses the following issues with advice or comments on each and references to resources for further consideration: a client, who is not yet incapacitated, needs or wants assistance/oversight in banking; a child calls and asserts that their parent wants a new POA; a client is unhappy with the person they have named as attorney; multiple concurrent powers of attorney; digital asset clauses in EPAs. This on-demand program was originally presented on February 14, 2024 as part of Wills & EPAs – Commonly Occurring Issues.  Total running time is 1 hour, 5 minutes.
  • Wills: Commonly Occurring Issues Part 1 (On-Demand)

    Certain issues regularly come up when dealing with powers of attorney. This on-demand program addresses the following issues with advice or comments on each and references to resources for further consideration: best practices for basic interviews when taking instructions for a will; whether you can/should draft an interim will; disinheriting children; will-makers suffering dementia/diminished capacity; requirements to double-check beneficiary designations. This on-demand program was originally presented on February 14, 2024 as part of Wills & EPAs – Commonly Occurring Issues. Total running time is 1 hour, 5 minutes.
  • Wills: Commonly Occurring Issues Part 2 (On-Demand)

    Certain issues regularly come up when dealing with powers of attorney. This on-demand program addresses the following issues with advice or comments on each and references to resources for further consideration: personally owned versus corporately owned assets; drafting for gender neutrality, non-marital, adopted, step and ART created children; drafting a codicil versus new will embodying changes; whether you should request a copy of a client’s old will when drafting a new one; will-makers with a US connection. This on-demand program was originally presented on February 14, 2024 as part of Wills & EPAs – Commonly Occurring Issues. Total running time is 53 minutes.
  • Wills: Commonly Occurring Issues Part 3 (On-Demand)

    Certain issues regularly come up when dealing with powers of attorney. This on-demand program addresses the following issues with advice or comments on each and references to resources for further consideration: dealing with cryptocurrency; communication, delegation and majority rules with more than one personal representative; dealing with financial institutions when there is more than one personal representative; administrative clauses to include in the will for the actual work involved; marshalling and abatement rules. This on-demand program was originally presented on February 14, 2024 as part of Wills & EPAs – Commonly Occurring Issues. Total running time is 43 minutes.
  • Wills & EPAs – Commonly Occurring Issues (On-Demand)

    Certain issues regularly come up when dealing with wills and powers of attorney. These on-programs explore 25 of those issues with advice or comments on each and references to resources for further consideration. The format of these programs is breadth not depth and is designed for all levels of experience. These on-demand programs were originally presented as an in-person program on February 14, 2024 as part of Wills & EPAs – Commonly Occurring Issues. The total running time for each presentation ranges between 43 minutes and 1 hour, 5 minutes.
  • After Estate Litigation (On-Demand)

    Explore topics in estate litigation such as settlement agreements, indemnities, costs, and PR compensation. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person session on April 30, 2022, as part of LESA’s Refresher 2022: Wills and Estates. Total running time is 49 minutes.
  • Claims and Proceedings in Estate Litigation (On-Demand)

    Explore topics related to claims and proceedings in estate litigation through this in-depth panel discussion. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person session on April 30, 2022, as part of LESA’s Refresher 2022: Wills and Estates. Total running time is 3 hours, 2 minutes.
  • Initial Considerations in Estate Litigation (On-Demand)

    Explore initial considerations in estate litigation through this panel discussion with esteemed subject matter experts in wills and estates. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person session on April 30, 2022, as part of LESA’s Refresher 2022: Wills and Estates. Total running time is 58 minutes.
  • Managing the Court Process in Estate Litigation (On-Demand)

    Explore topics related to managing the court process in estate litigation through this in-depth panel discussion. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person session on April 30, 2022, as part of LESA’s Refresher 2022: Wills and Estates. Total running time is 1 hour, 8 minutes.
  • LESA's Refresher 2022: Wills and Estates (On-Demand)

    Explore in-depth issues relating to wills, estate planning, estate administration, and estate litigation. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program from April 30 to May 2, 2022. Each presentation in this program is available for individual purchase.
  • Managing Wills and Estates Matters (On-Demand)

    Explore in-depth issues relating to estate planning and estate administration. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program on April 29, 2022. Total running time for each presentation is approximately 45 minutes. Each presentation in this program is available for individual purchase.


  • Variation of Trusts in Alberta

    In Alberta, except where a power to revoke or vary has been reserved, a trust cannot be varied before its expiration without approval of the Court of Queen’s Bench. This paper looks at the circumstances when the Court may or may not do so. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s 2022 Refresher: Wills and Estates program in Banff on April 29-May 2, 2022.
  • The Story of “Emma” and “Isabella” – The Litigious Embryos and Other Tales

    The traditional understanding of “child”, “family”, and “parent” have been significantly affected by rapidly advancing assisted reproductive technologies, the use of others’ genetic material, and surrogacy. The legal landscape surrounding the use of these technologies and their intersection with estate planning is a developing area of law. This paper aims to assist estate planning practitioners to be able to articulate these issues to clients, explain the applicable law to clients, and draft testamentary documents in a way that properly addresses their client’s concerns. It includes a sample client information gathering form specific to genetic material. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s 50th Annual Refresher in Lake Louise from May 7–9th, 2017.  
  • Limitation Dates for Wills and Estates Claims and Actions

    This author provides a general overview of the limitation periods affecting wills and estates claims and actions.  It is intended as a practical starting point and reference guide for practitioners working in this area. It offers guidance on general limitation periods, and those imposed under wills and estates legislation, augmented with supporting case law. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s 48th Annual Refresher: Wills & Estates in 2015.
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