Notice to Articled Students – Requests for Bar Admission Ceremonies at the Court of King’s Bench (2024)

On May 1, 2024, the Court of King’s Bench will begin accepting 2024 bar admission requests. Requests for bar admissions for June, July, and August will not be processed until May 20, 2024 due to limited resources.

Bar admission requests must be made by submitting the Bar Admission Booking Request Form online. The Law Society of Alberta requires bar admission to be at least 30 days after the last day of articles, and 30 days after complete submission of the Enrolment Application. For more information on the bar admission process, read the complete Notice to the Profession here.

LESA is excited to welcome all 2024 calls to the Alberta legal profession. To read up on available LESA discounts for new lawyers, click here.

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