Topics Announced | The New Intersection of Criminal and Administrative Impaired Driving Law in Alberta: What’s Going On?

Don’t miss LESA’s upcoming webinar – The New Intersection of Criminal and Administrative Impaired Driving Law in Alberta: What’s Going On?

Keep up to date on impaired driving law in Canada with an exploration of the latest legal developments and strategies for handling impaired driving cases effectively. This webinar will discuss:

  • Updates to criminal and administrative legislation
  • Current adjudicative and judicial interpretations of the legislation
  • How to navigate the new system and run cases.
Program Details

Date: September 13, 12:00 PM-1:30 PM (Webinar)
Price: $95 (General) | $85.50 (New Lawyers) | $71.25 (Students)


M. Ian Savage, Savage Oykhman Law

How to Register

Click here to register for this program.

Note: Reduced pricing is available for newly called lawyers (called within five years) as well as students. Click the link above and select the appropriate ticket to register with reduced pricing.

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