New Program! Commercial Contract Teardown

Are you a slave to your precedents? Have you stopped to think about the effects of the various provisions in your precedents? Are there things you should be considering when negotiating clauses on behalf of your clients? Do your precedents protect your clients’ interests? Do they protect you?

This program will go beyond a cursory review of standard commercial agreements and dive into clauses that can make or break a deal.

Program Details

Date: December 11, 9:00 AM-4:30 PM (Edmonton or Livestream)
Early Bird Price: $475.00 (General) | $427.50 (New Lawyers) | $356.25 (Students)
Early bird pricing ends on November 12, 2024. Regular price: $393.75 – $ 525.


Chair | Douglas H. Peterson, HGA Law
Presenter | Artem N. Barsukov, Bennett Jones LLP
Additional presenters will be added soon!

How to Register

Click here to register for Edmonton (in-person).
Click here to register for Livestream (online).

Note: Reduced pricing is available for newly called lawyers (called within five years) as well as students. Click the link above and select the appropriate ticket to register with reduced pricing.

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