Detailed Agenda Announced | Alberta Family Law Institute

Across their entire career, family law lawyers need to develop skills to survive, strive, and thrive in their practice. We are looking forward to our upcoming two-day learning and networking event (taking place in Calgary) that will address topics to support Alberta practitioners as they navigate the challenges of family law. 

Scroll below for an overview of the agenda. Additional details and registration for the Alberta Family Law Institute (November 28 & 29) can be found here.

Agenda | Alberta Family Law Institute: Survive, Strive, Thrive

Parenting: Solve Parenting Issues Without Going to CourtPatricia M. Hebert KC and Joanna Waldie

This presentation will explore parenting problems, how to solve them, and the lawyers’ role and ethical duties in assisting with solving those problems. Consider how to help clients get parenting done in a way that works for the children and their families.

Family Law Orders: Solutions Beyond the Norm Ashley Cox

Want to add to your repertoire of court orders and clauses so that you aren’t constantly reinventing the wheel? This presentation will provide and discuss a useful catalogue of court orders and clauses (beyond the standard ones) that you can use with clients to provide pre-made solutions to various problems of determining income, support orders that last, parenting and some property issues.  Also discuss the option of a fulsome and detailed multi-directional parenting order, as the circumstances require.

Arbitrations: When the Going Gets Tough Doug Moe KC, Kevin E. Hannah KC, and Bradley R. Mustard KC

This presentation will discuss problems that can arise in family law arbitrations. From the perspective of both counsel and the arbitrator, learn what can happen and how to avoid or manage these issues. This presentation will also enhance your ability to create certainty and finality for clients.

Evidence in Family Law Matters: Not a Free for All Ken Proudman

This presentation will explore the elements of evidence law that family lawyers need to use regularly, including an update and overview of what is important. Learn what works (or doesn’t) for affidavits, exhibits, expert opinions, third party evidence, appropriate hearsay (especially in parenting cases), and more.

Parenting: Solving Parenting Issues at Court Justice G.L.M. Benns and Jonathan P. Tieman

How do you effectively present a parenting application in court? What does and what does not work? What do judges and arbitrators want to know and what do they not need to know? What does it mean to be successful in a parenting application? What constitutes a win? This presentation will address these topics and more while exploring how to solve parenting problems and how to effectively advocate parenting issues in court processes.

Cyberstalking, Electronic Eavesdropping, and Other Online Shenanigans Cody Stokowski

Protect yourself and your firm from cyber security threats. Discussion topics include cyberstalking, electronic eavesdropping, spy software, and other online shenanigans.

Limited Scope Retainers or Going Lawyer Lite Marcus M. Sixta

This presentation will delve into the world of limited scope retainers and unbundled legal services. Learn how alternative retainer models can assist self-represented parties get better results, relieve pressure on the courts, and improve access to justice. Moreover, this presentation will provide lawyers with insight into alternative legal service models and how to develop a practice assisting self-represented litigants that is flexible, safe, and rewarding. Discover tools for offering these services and consider what clients require when they choose this level of service, whether out of preference or necessity.  Given increasing numbers of self-represented litigants, this area of practice has huge potential.

Adult Independent Partners: Navigating the IssuesJordan Lantz and Caitlin Ledrew 

Get up to date on AIP cases. This presentation will review issues that come up in situations with adult independent partners. When is an AIP an AIP? How does one determine when the relationship started and ended? Is it really the same as married; when and when not? This presentation will consider the ins and outs of dealing with these cases.

Practice Management: Tools to Support Your Family Law PracticeEvan Clarke and Christine Shepherd

Learn how to use technology and systems to efficiently manage (and grow) your practice while keeping an eye on your bottom line so that you are free to focus on providing excellent service to your clients. Stay in control of your practice. Get paid for your work. Have a life.

Civility in Family Law: A Tactical Weapon? Jason L. Wilkins KC

Jason will build on our obligations under the Code of Conduct to remain calm, civil, and objective even in the storm of adversity. Explore what civility looks like, how to do it well, and how to use civility strategically to further your client’s interests. The best lawyers are appropriately assertive (not aggressive) and treat civility as a strength, not a weakness. Learn the differences and explore strategies when dealing with difficult lawyers.

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