ASLIA Mock Trials – Lawyers Needed


The Association of Sign Language Interpreters of Alberta (ASLIA) needs your help! And by helping ASLIA, you could gain some valuable experience yourself.

ASLIA is a registered non-profit society whose members are professional sign language interpreters. This August, ASLIA is hosting the Summer Institute on Courtroom and Legal Interpreting, a professional development workshop to help interpreters develop their skills in legal settings. The workshop concludes with mock trials held at the Calgary Court Centre on August 12 & 13.

That’s where you come in: ASLIA needs lawyers to play the roles of defense lawyers and Crown prosecutors.

If you’ve never worked with interpreters, deaf defendants, and deaf witnesses in court before, this unique opportunity could provide you with valuable experience.

The mock trials run in morning and afternoon sessions, with various scenarios being enacted, including assault, sexual assault, impaired driving, and child custody cases.

The time commitment is just one half-day session. Perhaps you would like to participate? Or maybe you have an articling student who would be interested in this unique experience?

For more information or to volunteer, please contact ASLIA:

Debra Russell
[email protected]

Sue Tompkins
[email protected]

You can also view ASLIA’s request letter for details, including biographies of the two workshop instructors – Nigel Howard and Deb Russell.

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