June Upcoming Legal Events

June Upcoming Legal Events

Discover what legal events are coming up this June.

LESA Programming

Rural Property Issues for Alberta Lawyers | Red Deer, June 2
Rural property matters can present unique challenges, which include wetlands and noxious weed issues, oil and gas leasing concerns, and OH&S considerations. Attend this program to learn the latest about these topics and other related issues. View the brochure for more details.

Criminal Advocacy: Sentencing | Edmonton, June 3 | Calgary, June 10
Expand your knowledge of sentencing. Examine the implications of mental health issues and FASD, the R v Lacasse SCC decision, and the developments post-Gladue. Read the brochure for more information.

Commercial Leasing Challenges | Edmonton, June 6 | Calgary, June 8
Commercial leasing is increasingly complex. Discover strategies for handling the most pressing and thorny issues arising in commercial leases today. Read the brochure for details.

35th Annual Intensive Advocacy| Calgary, June 12–17
Develop a confident, professional courtroom presence by exploring every aspect of trial and hearing work in this intensive, week-long workshop. This program is full. Register to be put on the waitlist.


The registration deadline for the 2017/2018 CPLED Program year has passed, but you can still register for the 2017/2018 program year. Students applying after May 31 are subject to a non-refundable late filing fee.

Visit our CPLED for Students page for more information, or contact Craig Edhart, Student Coordinator.

Volunteer Opportunities

35th Annual Intensive Advocacy| Calgary, June 12–17
Are you interested in gaining valuable trial experience as a witness? We are looking for volunteers to act as witnesses in our upcoming 35th Annual Intensive Advocacy program in Calgary, Alberta on Saturday, June 17, 2017. Click here for more details.

Legal Community Events

Children’s Participation in Justice Processes: Finding the Best Ways Forward
The Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family (CRILF), in partnership with the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate Alberta (OCYA), is holding the “Children’s Participation in Justice Processes: Finding the Best Ways Forward” symposium on September 15 & 16, 2017. The early bird registration deadline is Saturday, June 3. Click here for more information.

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