2015 LEAF Persons Day Breakfast


The annual LEAF Persons Day Breakfast is happening in Edmonton on October 15, and LESA is proud to be one of the event sponsors.

Each year, LEAF (Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund) hosts the Persons Day Breakfast to commemorate the 1929 Persons Case ruling. The focus of the breakfast changes from year to year, and in 2015 the topic of discussion is cultures in sexual violence.

Professor Constance Backhouse, from the University of Ottawa, will be sharing her insights into the topics of human rights, sexual abuse, and violence against women and children.

You can hear Professor Backhouse and support LEAF in their work to advance the equality rights of Canadian women and girls by attending the event.

Find all the event details in the attached information sheet, and then register online to save your seat.

We hope to see you there!

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