National Volunteer Week 2018

Thank you LESA volunteers

Happy National Volunteer Week to the millions of Canadian volunteers and to our incredible LESA volunteers! To everyone who has helped make CPLED, our programs, and our educational resources a great success – we thank you!

You are a valued LESA contributor, and your hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed. We make a point of saying thank you throughout the year, but this week we’re taking a special opportunity to express our gratitude. If you’ve volunteered for us in the 2017/2018 educational year, you should have received a ticket providing you with complimentary access to attend this week’s program Mastering Personal Finances. We’re looking forward to seeing you in Calgary (April 19) or Edmonton (April 20). We hope you’ll enjoy learning strategies for improving your financial well-being and ease your financial stress.

This program is also open to paying registrants. Click here to learn more about this program.

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