Program Feature—Effective Legal Support: Matrimonial Property

Effective Legal Support: Matrimonial Property

Join us in for Effective Legal Support: Matrimonial Property in Edmonton (March 5) or Calgary (March 12), and discover valuable tips so you can provide more confident legal support in property division matters.


Join program chair Rachel Woynorowski and faculty for an informative afternoon on legal support in property division matters.

Discuss key topics including:

  • The Nuts and Bolts of Property
    Examine what is “property”, including real estate, bank accounts, businesses, and more. Delve into less common and commonly forgotten or overlooked types of property. Explore the role of legal support staff in property division matters.
  • Does It Make a Difference if They’re Married?
    Review property division and the differences between separating common-law and legally married couples. Discuss additional documentary evidence and the information needed to establish a joint family venture and to prove unjust enrichment claims, exemptions, and tracing.
  • Evidence and Disclosure
    Advance your understanding of financial disclosure and analysis. Explore evidence issues to help you complete undertakings and compile affidavits of records.
  • How to Get Stuff Done: A Review of Practical and Procedural Matters
    Develop strategies to find information when your client cannot locate the answer. Investigate alternative evidence sources, including obtaining client authorizations, expert valuations, and expert opinions. Once a file is concluded, examine how to assist clients with protecting their property and realizing on judgments.
  • Matrimonial Property Top 10 Tips
    Discuss tried, tested, and true tips, hints, and practical suggestions about property division matters from experienced family law legal support staff.


Register online to reserve your spot in Effective Legal Support: Matrimonial Property.

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