Program Feature—Family Law Considerations for the Wills and Estates Practitioner

Family Law Considerations for the Wills and Estates Practitioner

Join us on March 6 (Edmonton) or March 13 (Calgary) for Family Law Considerations for the Wills and Estates Practitioner, and consider the implications of family law on your wills and estates practice.



Fulvio Durante | Dunphy Best Blocksom LLP | Calgary



Rhoda Dobler QC | Dunphy Best Blocksom LLP | Calgary

Laura Bruyer | Gordon Zwaenepoel | Edmonton

Shelly Chamaschuk | Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP | Edmonton

Catherine Gerrits | Dunphy Best Blocksom LLP | Calgary

Sherrilynn J. Kelly | Parlee McLaws LLP | Calgary

Michael Klaray | Duncan Craig LLP | Edmonton


Understanding family dynamics is key to setting up a solid estate plan or to resolving challenges that arise in estate administration. Explore family law considerations that wills and estate practitioners should keep front-of-mind. Discuss child and spousal support obligations in circumstances of separation, divorce, death, and incapacity. Explore estate administration and the implementation of EPAs and PDs during separation and divorce, and review collaborative law and ADR approaches in family and estate matters. Discuss relevant acts and recent case law so you can provide more competent advice.



Register online for Family Law Considerations for the Wills and Estates Practitioner and attend on March 6 (Edmonton) or March 13 (Calgary).

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