Lawyers are frequently required to deliver constructive feedback to associates, articling students, support staff, and others. Join the Honourable Judge J.L. Dixon and Molly-Naber-Sykes QC to learn proven methods for providing meaningful performance improvement feedback.
NOTE: The materials for this program will be provided to attendees at the program.
View the brochure.
Limited Enrolment Program.
PART 1 |
Introduction to Feedback |
We live in a feedback culture. After a hotel stay we receive countless e-mails asking us to rate our stay, Trucks sport signs asking us, “How’s my driving?” followed by a toll-free number.
Explore the importance of feedback and get answers to key questions, including:
· Who gives and who receives feedback?
· When should we give feedback?
· Where should we give feedback?
· How often should we give feedback? |
Group Discussion |
PART 2 |
Benefits and Challenges of Feedback |
Discuss the different between Informal(frequent) feedback and Formal (periodic) feedback. Discuss how law firms can create a healthy feedback culture and consider tools for assisting colleagues that may be in distress. |
Small Group Practice |
PART 3 |
Wrap-up, Questions, and Evaluation |
Interact with the panel in a Q&A session. |
*NOTE: This schedule is provided for informational purposes only and is subject to change. Program registrants will receive confirmation prior to the scheduled event that notes specific presentation times and speaking orders.
Early Bird Price: $265 + GST (Register on or before September 10, 2019)
Regular Price: $295 + GST
Location: This program will be held at the Aspen Conference Centre | 4th floor, Bell Tower | Rooms 2 & 3