Advising Charities, Not-for-Profits, and Social Enterprises

Yvonne Chenier
Yvonne Chenier, Chair of Advising Charities, Not-for-Profits, and Social Enterprises

UPDATE: This seminar occurred in the past, and the seminar materials are now available. You can use the LESA Library to access course materials or purchase course materials a la carte. Alternatively, you can view the complete list of upcoming seminars to discover live programs that are available now.

Looking for the latest information in the social enterprise sector? If you are a practitioner with five or more years of experience in business law with particular interest in advising charities, not-for-profits, and social enterprises, LESA is presenting the Advising Charities, Not-for-Profits, and Social Enterprises seminar (November 28 in Edmonton; December 4 in Calgary) with you in mind.

Program Chair Yvonne Chenier QC of Calgary’s Drache Apowtizer LLP specializes in charities, not-for-profits and social enterprises. For the past 30 years, while building a private law practice and working as a financial consultant and advisor to high net worth, aboriginal and not-for profit clients, she has also lent her expertise to a small privately owned trust company and a large Canadian financial institution. Her articles have been published in numerous publications including Canadian Taxpayer, the Not-for-Profit News, Charity Talk,  Tax Times, Taxnet Pro, Canadian Fundraising & Philanthropy and Hilborn Charity eNEWS.

In addition to Yvonne’s expertise, a panel of 10 experts will provide the latest information on everything from advising the social enterprise to the new Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act to the impact of the privacy and anti-spam legislation on the operation of registered charities and not-for-profit organizations.

Law Reform in Alberta for the Not-for-Profit Sector: Where is it Heading?

Peter Lown QC of the Alberta Law Reform Institute will be sharing information on the Alberta Law Reform Institute’s project to reform non-profit incorporation legislation.

“Besides all of the other practical information that will be offered by experts in this area, I think lawyers will be very interested in the future law reform that is being proposed in this area in Alberta,” explains Yvonne.

To find out more about Advising Charities, Not-for-Profits, and Social Enterprises, other LESA live events, educational resources, and CPLED Program, visit


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