AI and Your Legal Business

Do you understand the impact artificial intelligence can have on your legal services?

The UAlberta Faculty of Extension and the Digital Law & Innovation Society are cohosting an upcoming program designed to assist legal professionals in understanding how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support them in their work.

Read on for details:

In today’s society artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a niche topic. It has implications within the field of law and affects your organization and the people you serve.

This is why the University of Alberta Faculty of Extension, in collaboration with the Digital Law and Innovation Society, are happy to announce the launch of this digital law primer course for legal and policy professionals.

Whether you are curious or skeptical, this course will help you become ‘AI informed’ in your work. It is intended for working professionals with busy schedules and includes guest lecturers from international Law-and-AI experts.

As professionals working within the legal field, you need to be informed in order to meet professional obligations, avoid undue risk, and provide excellent, relevant services to clients and communities.

To learn more about “AI & Your Legal Business: Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications for Legal Practice” and to register, click here.

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