Alberta Law Fundamentals Gives a Broad and Comprehensive Alberta Law Overview

Alberta Law FundamentalsAs of August 2013, Alberta Law Fundamentals was updated by experienced practitioners in six areas of law. Both articling students and practitioners who are new to a specific area of law will find these publications invaluable.

Sold separately or as a six-volume set, the Alberta Law Fundamentals supplements LESA’s Practice Manuals by providing a broad and comprehensive overview of six areas of Alberta law and practice.

The six-volume set of Alberta Law Fundamentals includes the following publications:

  • Business Law Fundamentals – includes an overview on how to establish, run, buy or sell a business as well as chapters on corporate tax, secured financings, and intellectual property.
  • Civil Litigation Fundamentals– provides you with case law and theory as well as court forms and precedents.
  • Criminal Law Fundamentals – takes you through the course of a criminal file, including conducting client interviews, plea discussions, the preliminary inquiry, preparing for and conducting a trial, sentencing, and appeals.
  • Family Law Fundamentals  – includes information on client relationships, divorce, custody, child support, spousal and partner support, property, collaborative law, and family law agreements.
  • Real Estate Fundamentals  – follows a typical real estate deal from start to finish, and includes chapters on closing, mortgages, condominiums, and new construction.
  • Wills Fundamentals  – takes you through the course of a wills file.  It includes information on governing legislation like the Wills and Succession Act and the Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act, plus a lawyer’s role in drafting wills, enduring powers of attorney, and personal directives.

To order Alberta Law Fundamentals (either separately or as a set) and to learn more about LESA’s Educational Resources, visit us at

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