April Upcoming Legal Events

April Upcoming Legal Events

Discover what legal events are coming up this April, from LESA programming, to CPLED, and more.

LESA Programming

Child and Spousal Support 2017 | Edmonton, April 4 | Calgary, April 11
Gain an in-depth understanding of child and spousal support. Learn about the latest support developments, and discover practical strategies for addressing challenging issues. View the brochure for more details.

Estate Litigation Fundamentals | Edmonton, April 5 | Calgary, April 12
Cover the fundamentals of estate litigation and court practice, from applications, to chambers, to trial. Analyze common issues, and discover practical litigation strategies. Read the brochure for more information.

Rules of Court 2017 | Edmonton April, 6 | Calgary, April 20
Concrete knowledge of the Rules of Court is critical for every litigator. Revisit the “must-know” rules (including updates you might have missed), and discover practical tips for running effective litigation files. View the brochure to learn more.

Client Relationship Essentials | Edmonton, April 18
Clients are the foundation of most legal practices. Explore proven strategies and innovative ideas for developing strong relationships and communicating effectively with clients, for working effectively with challenging clients, and for exceeding client expectations. View the brochure for program details.

Family Law: Chambers Advocacy and Practice Pointers | Red Deer, April 21
In family law, critical points of dispute are frequently resolved in chambers. Discover insightful approaches to successful chambers advocacy and practice-oriented tips to use in addressing common issues that arise in chambers applications. Read the brochure for details.


The reserve period for the 2016/2017 CPLED Program year is now underway. Contact Craig Edhart, Student Coordinator for more information or visit our CPLED for Students page.

Legal Community Events

The National Privacy and Data Governance Congress is happening this April 5–7 in Calgary. This year’s Congress theme – A World of Change – will focus on the most critical and timely privacy and data protection issues facing organizations today: those that foretell significant consequences for employers, employees, and policy makers. Read the agenda for details on this year’s Congress content.

The Alberta Lawyers’ Assistance Society (ASSIST)
ASSIST is holding their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, April 5. Click here for more details.
• Assist’s New Parents’ Peer Support session runs in Edmonton on April 11. This free-of-cost session gives new and expecting parents the opportunity to discuss their journeys while juggling the demands of practicing law. Click here for more details.

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