August 2015: Upcoming Legal Events


LESA has a full slate of programs ready to run this fall. While we’re still enjoying the last few weeks of summer, don’t let these dates and deadlines slip away from you. Today’s blog gives a look at the legal events happening this month.


Registration Savings

Early bird registration ends today for the following September programs. Register now to take advantage of special early bird pricing.

  • Technology Contracts – Analyze technology contracts to learn drafting pitfalls, solutions, and best practices. To learn more about the benefits of this program, read the blog interview with seminar chair Jim Swanson.
  • Gain the Edge! Negotiation Strategies for Lawyers – Negotiations are more effective when you approach them strategically. Read the blog with presenter Marty Latz to discover how this program has something to offer every lawyer.
  • All That Touches Family Law – Learn about how agriculture, estate, bankruptcy, immigration and corporate topics intersect your family law practice. With its practical advice and useful resources (like checklists!) this program has plenty to offer; read the blog with chair Hugh Willis to learn more.
CPLED Modules

The CPLED year opens with the face-to-face Oral Advocacy module. It runs in Calgary from August 24 to 28 and in Edmonton from August 31 to September 4.


Mediation and Restorative Justice Centre Golf TournamentUntitled-1

Get in one more game of golf and help support a worthy cause at the same time with the Mediation and Restorative Justice Centre Golf Tournament.


If you want LESA’s help to raise awareness about an upcoming event relevant to the Alberta legal community, contact Renee Vander Meulen, Communications Coordinator.
780.969.0553 or [email protected]

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