Buying and Selling a Business

Buying and Selling a Business

What strategies can I use to effectively close a purchase/sale?
What tax implications arise from asset, share, and hybrid deals?
What pre-transaction considerations must I take into account?

Uncover the answer to these questions and much more in our upcoming program Buying and Selling a Business March 2 (Edmonton) and March 9 (Calgary).

In a recent interview, we spoke with seminar chair Bryan C. Haynes who gave us an overview of what to expect at this program.

The theme of this program is buying and selling private businesses. These transactions can be quite complicated, as they involve a number of different issues, considerations, and skill sets. This program includes discussions about structuring considerations from a tax perspective; pre-transaction considerations, including confidentiality agreements, letters of intent, and regulatory approvals; and negotiating, reviewing, and drafting key terms of asset-purchase agreements. The program will also includes a timely topic – something we’ve seen more of recently – which is hybrid share/asset purchase agreements. There will also be a discussion on how to effectively close a purchase and sale transaction with effective use of closing agendas and execution of documents.”

Bryan also told us what excites him about this program. Here’s what he had to say.

I am very much looking forward to the live mock negotiation on the key terms of a share-purchase agreement. As chair, my goal is to create a discussion oriented, dynamic environment that will encourage discussion among the attendees and the faculty during the presentations. I think that a lot of interesting ideas will come out of those discussions and I think that will make this an engaging and interactive program.”

About the Faculty

Matthew Clark | Shea Nerland LLP
Kelly R. Ford | Bennett Jones LLP
Mark P. Kortbeek | Bennett Jones LLP
James T. McClary | Bennett Jones LLP
Maxine Mongeon | Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP
Leah M. Tolton | Dentons Canada LLP
Steve R. Will | Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP

Here’s what Bryan told us about the diversity of this experienced group of panelists.

We’ve got a very diverse panel that is representative of practitioners from small firms, to large law firms, and from associates to partners. The faculty was brought together on the basis of having relevant experience with respect to the subject matter and also with a view of diversity in mind. The faculty will be able to address aspects of purchasing and selling businesses that will be pertinent and relevant to lawyers working as in-house counsel and to practitioners in small or large law firms.”

Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with knowledgeable practitioners and to tackle issues and questions that arise in the purchase or sale of a private business.

Register Online

Read our program brochure to learn more about what this program has to offer. Register on or before January 19 to take advantage of early bird pricing.

Register for Buying and Selling a Business in Edmonton (March 2) or in Calgary (March 9).

We hope to see you there!

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