Wills and Estates

Business LawCivil Litigation

Alberta Revises the Title of its Superior Trial Court

With the passing of the late Queen Elizabeth II, we wish to express our deepest condolences to the Royal Family. Her Majesty dedicated over 70 years of her life to ...
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Wills and Estates

LESA Has Your Back: Surrogate Rules Amendments

On June 15, 2022, amendments made to Alberta’s Surrogate Rules, Alta Reg 130/1995, came into effect across the province. The key amendments replace the former Noncontentious (NC) forms with the ...
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Business LawCivil Litigation

What to Expect in Alberta Courts: Current COVID Landscape

In March of 2020, the full force of the global pandemic resulted in restricted access to all Canadian courthouses. With the shift to working remotely, lawyers began communicating with clients ...
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Wills and Estates

LESA Refresher 2022 Papers Now Available

Papers are now available from LESA’s Refresher 2022: Wills and Estates. This past spring we hosted our annual LESA Refresher in the mountains. With a focus on wills and estates, ...
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Wills and Estates

Let’s Agree to Disagree: Differing Canadian Perspectives on the Presumption of Resulting Trust and Beneficiary Designations | Paper Summary

It can be very difficult to challenge beneficiary designations. Until recently, the law in Alberta on this issue was unsettled, and jurisprudence in other provinces remains divided. Michael Klaray and ...
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Wills and Estates

On-Demand Surrogate Reform Training

The Surrogate Rules, Alta Reg 130/1995, were recently amended to replace the existing NC forms with new GA forms and to permit electronic applications using a Surrogate Digital Service. Those amendments ...
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Wills and Estates

Notice of Discontinuance | LESA’s Alberta Surrogate Forms Publication

LESA’s Alberta Surrogate Forms publication will be discontinued as of June 15, 2022.   The Surrogate Rules, Alta Reg 130/1995, were recently amended to replace the existing NC forms with new ...
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Legal Support StaffWills and Estates

Meet the Faculty | AGTA for Legal Support Staff

Are you a legal support staff who is new to AGTA applications, or perhaps looking to brush up on the basics? If so, this program is for you. Join us for a ...
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Business LawCivil Litigation

LESA’s Practice Manual Series Available Electronically on the LESA Library

You may have already heard…  we recently launched an all-new LESA Library. This online, comprehensive, and searchable resource provides valuable legal information to Alberta’s lawyers, articling students, and legal support ...
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Business LawCivil Litigation

Job Posting: Part-Time Law Student at LESA

Update April 14, 2022: Thank you to all who applied. This position has been filled. Become part of an innovative and dynamic organization and help us make a meaningful contribution ...
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