Celebrating Tamil Heritage Month

January 2025 marks the 16th annual celebration of Tamil Heritage Month in Canada. This month, we reflect on the vibrant history of Tamil Canadians and recognize the significant and ongoing contributions they have made to Canada.

January is a significant month for the Tamil community, as it marks the start of the Tamil Harvest Festival, also known as Thai Pongal. Thai Pongal is a celebration of thanksgiving. It is a time where friends and families gather and make Pongal, a traditional dish of rice and milk. Pongal represents prosperity and good luck for the year ahead.

Tamil Heritage Month is an opportunity for Canadians to learn more about the Tamil culture and heritage and reflect on their ongoing contributions to our society. The LESA team wishes a happy Thai Pongal to everyone celebrating.

As we celebrate one another’s cultures, traditions, and histories, and as more and more workplaces develop anti-racism policies and look to shift their systems and culture, it is imperative that lawyers who handle employment, human rights, or workplace investigation matters stay up to date on the law and related practice. Our upcoming Anti-Racism in Employment Law Practice webinar will explore relevant human rights jurisprudence and practical strategies relating to policies, employee training, and reporting systems through the lens of cognitive bias and theory. For more information, click here.

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