Coming Soon: Buying and Selling a Business

Register now for Buying and Selling a Business!

UPDATE: This seminar occurred in the past, and the seminar materials are now available.
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On one hand, it’s hard to believe that February is already half over, but, on the other, it shouldn’t be a surprise. Time always seems to fly when you are busy, and here at LESA we are looking ahead and planning for the 20 remaining programs we have running from now until June.

For those of you who practice in the area of business law, we’ve been working with seminar chair Glenn Warkentin on the Buying and Selling a Business program.

The brochure for this program details the topics being covered and should have hit your desk last week, but, for those of you wanting to know more, we’ve asked Glenn why this seminar will be valuable for attendees.

As Glenn explains, the greatest benefit of this seminar will be the opportunity for practitioners to “gain greater insight into the dynamics of a deal … [and] takeaway some real practical solutions, options, and trends, so that they can add value for their clients.”

Since this program is targeted to practitioners with 5 or more years’ experience in business law, the material covered will go beyond the basics. Glenn emphasized that “this seminar will be more in-depth and not limited to issue identification.” Rather, it will take things further by examining options for resolving the issues.

Having an interactive and engaged audience will be key to achieving this goal of helping attendees gain insight into the issues they are facing. For Glenn the goal is to have “each of the panel members … actively solicit questions” so that “during the discussion phase some really good ideas are thrown around amongst the panel and the participants to say, ‘When you come up with this kind of an issue, what are some options or workarounds?’ … We hope that the panel will be able to give ideas, options, [and] solutions.”

While the panel won’t be able to solve every problem that practitioners face, Glenn’s intention is to utilize these experienced faculty members to identify “what’s going on in the marketplace in terms of how other practitioners are solving some of those [problems]”  and to provide attendees with “potential workarounds for [those] issues depending on the fact scenario that you’ve got.”

At the seminar, you’ll hear from these experienced practitioners:

Bryan Haynes – Purchase and Sale Agreements
Mark Kortbeek, Peter Inglis – Due Diligence
Kristopher Noonan – Severance Issues
Susan Naylen – Financial Analysis
Matthew Clark – Tax Issues Related to Deal Structuring
Cameron MacCarthy – What Public Corporations Look for When Acquiring Privately Held Corporations: Current Market Trends

Each faculty member will address their topic from the perspective of a public company or private equity firm acquiring a privately help business.

Buying and Selling a Business runs in Edmonton on April 9 and in Calgary on April 23. Follow the link to register online now in the city of your choice.

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