Continuing Legal Education: Attending ACLEA to Serve You Better

UPDATE: This seminar occurred in the past, and the seminar materials are now available.
• LESA Library subscribers can already access course materials through the LESA Library.
• Alternatively you can purchase course materials a la carte (search outlook & document management).
• You can also view the list of upcoming seminars to discover live programs that are available now.

As your lifelong partner in continuing legal excellence, LESA is committed to offering you exceptional continuing legal education opportunities both face-to-face and online. To offer you the best possible programs and resources, we know that we also need to attend seminars and access resources ourselves – all as part of our commitment to continue offering you high-quality continuing legal education that innovatively leverages current knowledge and technology to provide engaging experiences that meet the diverse needs that you and the rest of the legal profession have here in Alberta.

To make sure that we are staying at the top of our field as a continuing legal education provider, LESA is actively involved with the international Association for Continuing Legal Education (ACLEA). Twice a year, ACLEA holds meetings that bring professionals from around the world together to discuss the latest ideas, issues, and solutions in continuing legal education.

The latest ACLEA meeting just wrapped up in Chicago this week, and the LESA contingent consisted of Executive Director Jennifer Flynn, Director of Education Dawn Ofner, Information Specialist Carolyn Bernardin, and Communications Coordinator Renee Vander Meulen. To pick just a few, program highlights included sessions on how to build online resources that engage adult learners, how to employ the latest and greatest technology when delivering continuing legal education, how to use data to make informed program and communications decisions, and how to add value to programs by bringing in relevant sponsors and exhibitors.

Not only did we gather great ideas for how to serve you better but LESA was also able to share our innovations and standards of excellence with other continuing legal education providers. Jennifer Flynn was appointed as ACLEA’s new President (see our full press release for more information), and Dawn Ofner offered her guidance and educational planning expertise as Chair of the Planning Committee. Dawn also spoke about our innovative LESA Library.

Have you heard about the LESA Library? It brings you relevant legal content in one convenient online resource. For the price of annual Library subscription, you can download all available seminar papers as PDFs and access all practice manual content in searchable encyclopedia-style articles. Library content includes substantive legal information, valuable resources (such as checklists and precedents!), and practice management suggestions. We’re just about ready to launch the Library, so watch for more announcements coming soon.

As we put the things we learned at ACLEA into practice, we hope that you engage with us on your continuing legal education journey this year. You can find a whole range of available programs and resources on our website.

At one of the amazing ACLEA session we attended, Paul Unger shared important time and distraction management techniques to help us increase our workplace productivity. Paul is an informative, engaging speaker who offers practical advice you can implement immediately. We’re pleased to bring him in for two LESA programs this October: Microsoft® Outlook for Legal Users and Time, Task, Email, and Document Management. Register online now to secure your spot in what are sure to be two incredibly useful programs.

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