Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”) Planning Now Open for 2024-2025

Calling all lawyers! The Law Society of Alberta has recently announced that all Alberta lawyers with an active status must submit an annual plan by October 1, 2024. Alberta lawyers can now start creating their CPD Plans through the Lawyer Portal. Lawyers are required to select at least two competencies from the 29 available, and at least one learning activity.  There is currently no requirement to complete a minimum number of CPD hours. New this year, you can now save competencies in the CPD Tool that you wish to develop in future years.

LESA Offerings to Support Your CPD Plan

LESA’s wide variety of program and resource offerings are designed to support you as you build your CPD Plan. Browse all webinar, livestream, and in-person programs by area of law on our online programs calendar. Search for recordings of past presentations within our collection of on-demand programs. Filter for downloadable papers by topic, publication year, author, and more in our resources shop, or subscribe to the LESA Library to access 1,400+ past program papers, seven electronic publications, and 1,100+ editable precedents (primarily available in Word).

For more information on the Lawyer Portal and CPD requirements, visit the Law Society of Alberta CPD frequently asked questions page here.

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