Discover Top Wills & Estates Law Cases

Top Wills & Estates Law Cases

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If you practice in wills & estates, LESA is offering a program that we think you’ll love – Top Wills & Estates Law Cases.

When we spoke to seminar chair Doris Bonora about the program, she highlighted 3 reasons why this program has something to offer everyone and how it will benefit those who attend.

Review Seminal Cases

You’d probably agree with Doris when she says that it’s important to “know what the seminal cases are that have the best discussion” in the major topics that come up in daily practice.

This seminar will help you review just that. As Doris explains, it will “look at all of the top cases in the most relevant areas in estate law. … [It covers] the things you touch most often in a day.”

Unlike some seminars that cater either to newly minted lawyers or to more seasoned practitioners, this is a program that will benefit all attendees, regardless of how long you have been practicing in the wills & estates area.

I think this is one of those seminars that appeals to people across the board, because every senior practitioner still needs to know what those seminal cases are that you need to go back to all the time. It’s so good to go back and actually read them again … [to] study them again and get them fresh in your mind. And for junior people who are starting out, they definitely should know what those seminal cases are.”

Even for herself, one of the things Doris is most looking forward to about the program is the opportunity it provides her to review the top cases in the field.

Tax Topics – Gain Peace of Mind

For Doris, this program offers an opportunity many other wills & estates seminars don’t – it talks about tax topics.

“We’re going to look at how [to] fix mistakes that you might have done, and everyone wants to know about that, because all of us are fearful that we have mistakes sitting in our wills vault. So we’re going to look at that from a tax perspective. … [We’ll discuss] some of those areas in tax that are important to all estate lawyers. And that topic – although absolutely relevant to everyone when they do an estate and when they do a will – doesn’t get discussed very often. So I’m excited about having our tax guy there.”

Quirky Cases

Doris is speaking about quirky cases – those “weird and wonderful cases where you think you can predict the outcome when you read the headnote but then you actually don’t predict the outcome.”

When we asked Doris to give us a sneak preview about what she will be discussing, she mentioned one case where a will was overturned on the basis of discrimination. Since you never know what kind of case you may find yourself caught up in down the road, hearing about these unusual cases can offer insights and direction when you find yourself immersed in your own quirky case.

Faculty and Topics

This blog outlines just three of the reasons why Top Wills & Estates Law Cases is sure to be an informative and useful seminar. You’ll also hear from these experienced practitioners about the following topics.

Barbara Stratton QC
Spousal Claims

Doris Bonora
Quirky Cases

Benjamin Kormos
Enduring Powers of Attorney
Wills and Succession Act

Derek Kurrant
Tax and Rectification

To learn more about this program – view the program brochure.

Register Online

To secure your spot, register online to attend in Edmonton (October 27) or Calgary (November 3). If you want to take advantage of the special early bird price, make sure to register by September 22.

We hope to see you there!

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