Does your client know to call you first? How to help your client through a cyber-attack

Cyber-attacks are on the rise, and as a lawyer, it is wise to expect that your clients are likely to suffer some sort of hack. We are pleased to have Marin Kratz QC, chair of our Alberta Legal Technology Conference, guest author the below post to highlight important aspects of being a lawyer within a technological world.

In 2012 the then FBI Director Robert Mueller said:


There are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those that will be. Even that is merging into one category: those that have been hacked and will be again.”


As a result of the rapid growth of cyber-attacks, a lawyer should start with the premise that his or her clients are likely to suffer some kind of cyber-attack, often ransomware or a social engineering attack.

These incidents are extremely stressful and many decisions have to be made quickly. A lawyer can be an important member of the breach response team. That lawyer needs to be (or find a) breach coach for the organization that suffered the attack. The lawyer can help with calm advice on what to do and what not to do, identify which regulators and authorities to contact and how, and provide investigatory and forensic work under the protection of a claim of privilege.

Too often, the client does not call the lawyer first and fumbles through the incident often making the problem worse; compromising important evidence and exposing important forensic and other specialist advice to discovery in subsequent litigation.

Does your client know to call you first?

Learn how you can be the trusted lawyer to help your client through a cyber-attack. Explore cyber-security and consider important aspects of how lawyers work within a world that is increasingly dominated by technology.

Conference Topics:

Legal Technology Trends
Taxonomy for Lawyers
Artificial Intelligence
Cyber Insurance
Cloud-Based Wills
Crossing the Border with Electronic Devices
Recent Case Law

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Guest Author: Martin Kratz QC

Martin has been internationally recognized as a leading lawyer in many fields such as intellectual property law, technology law, data protection, and cyber security. He has worked in intellectual property protection, transactions, assessments, enforcement, outsourcing, IT procurement, anti-spam, data protection, information and privacy law, and the protection and commercialization of IP.

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