Edmonton Community Legal Centre Advice-Athon

Advice-A-thon Poster Image

The countdown is on for the Edmonton Community Legal Centre’s (ECLC) 2nd Annual Advice-A-thon!

About ECLC

Advice-A-ThonLogoECLC provides free legal information and advice to low and moderate income people in the Edmonton area. Their mission is to provide effective advocacy and access to justice in a supportive environment to such persons.

The 2016 ECLC Advice-A-thon is just one of the many ways that Edmonton’s legal community can come together to help ECLC achieve their mission. ECLC hosts several programs that require the support of dedicated volunteers who generously donate their time. Such programs include, Dial-a-Law, Family Law Program, Income Supports Program, Free Legal Clinics, and much more.

To find out more about ECLC’s programs and services, visit www.eclc.ca.

2016 Advice-A-thon Details

Advice-A-thon volunteersOn September 24, 2016, ECLC is asking lawyers to come together in Sir Winston Churchill Square and donate an hour of their time by offering summary legal advice to persons living with low income. Edmonton’s legal community has already raised $750, but ECLC needs your help! This year’s fundraising goal is $25,000.

Participate in 2 half-hour sessions and collect pledges for your donated time to raise funds for ECLC’s programs and services. You’ll have the opportunity to enjoy music, snacks, and great company.

Here’s what one client and lawyer had to say about this event.

“That was really professional legal advice. I’m very happy with the given service (everything just perfect).” 

“So well organized & carried out. Thank you for all the attention to detail – you made it a huge success!”

Sponsorship and Additional Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in sponsoring a lawyer for this event? There is only 5 weeks remaining. The campaign ends September 30, 2016.

Want to find out what additional volunteer opportunities are available for this event? Contact Giselle General, Volunteer Coordinator. To discuss details of Advice-A-thon sponsorship, phone 780.702.1725 or get in touch by email [email protected].

More Information and Registration

Give back to the community, volunteer for ECLC’s 2nd Annual Advice-A-thon. Click here for additional information including, registration, volunteer requirements, and more.

Want LESA’s help to raise awareness about an upcoming event relevant to the Alberta legal community? Contact Andrea Maltais, Communications Coordinator.
780.969.0555 or [email protected]

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