Estate Planning for Blended Families

Register now for Estate Planning for Blended Families!

With divorce and re-marriage rates on the rise, wills and estates practitioners are increasingly facing more challenging cases when representing blended families.

Estate Planning for Blended Families is a full day, intermediate level program that will provide you with the practical tools and advice you need for dealing with such cases.

Sneak Preview

Join seminar chair Karen A. Platten QC and panel experts to discuss the following topics:

Here is a sneak preview from Karen on some of the key topics of discussion.

I think the matrimonial property discussion is going to be key: things like conflict issue resolution, the use of trusts, who needs to be served in an application for estate administration, and agreements in general. Specifically … [we’ll discuss] matrimonial property agreements, postnups, prenups, and cohabitation agreements.”

In addition to these topics, Karen also highlighted some of the main program takeaways.

  • Alerting you to drafting possibilities
  • Discussing the different ways that you can answer issues that arise in particular circumstances
  • Exploring various legal requirements in rare circumstances
Why should you attend?

If you’re thinking that this program may be valuable, Karen agrees!

I think [the seminar] will be beneficial for anyone in the practice area – given the rate of re-marriage in society. Every practitioner runs across issues that they haven’t ever seen before. … [Unique situations] require certain expertise and certain understanding of both the documents and why they have to be different in the circumstance of a second marriage, for example.”

She hopes that people will go away with some further questions to ask their clients and some possible solutions to both common and rare problems that can arise when representing blended families.

Register Online

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from the experts on Estate Planning for Blended Families. Register to attend in Edmonton on May 10 or in Calgary on May 17.

Early bird registration ends April 5. Visit our program brochure for more details.

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