SKU: OC-62287
Loosely tracking the lifecycle of a criminal law matter, these on-demand programs explore issues that commonly arise. They will be of particular interest to lawyers in their early years of practice or those new to the practice of criminal law.
Topics include:
• Bail (judicial interim release)
• Disclosure review in criminal matters
• Negotiating between the crown and defence
• Closing arguments
• Sentencing
These on-demand programs were originally presented as an in-person program on October 28, 2022.
The total running time for each individual presentation ranges between 45 minutes – 1 hour, 50 minutes.
Shelley Moore, Moore Law Practice
Justice Eleanor J. Funk, Court of King’s Bench of Alberta
Carrie-Ann Downey KC, Crown Prosecutor’s Office
Kim Hardstaff, Liberty Law LLP
Brad Kraus, Moore Law Practice
Krysia Przepiorka, KNP Law
Alexandra Seaman, Dawson, Duckett, Garcia & Johnson
Tania Shapka, Dawson, Duckett, Garcia & Johnson
Shelley L. Tkatch KC, Public Prosecution Service of Canada