Lorrie Adams
Every year LESA delivers pre-call training through the Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLED) Program. Articling students receive assistance and feedback in the online environment from Learning Group Facilitators (LGFs) and Learning Group Evaluators (LGEs).
One of LESA’s LGFs is Lorrie Adams. She has been a dedicated LGF/LGE for many years. In fact, Lorrie was involved when it was called the Bar Admission Program and continued to work as a LGF/LGE once the CPLED Program was introduced.
Dedicated Teacher and Learning Group Facilitator
Lorrie was admitted to the bar in 1993 and practiced mainly in insurance litigation with occasional forays into immigration law until about three years ago. It was then that she decided to limit her practice to pro bono work and began teaching business law, civil procedure, employment law and international business transactions at MacEwan University as well as commercial law at Athabasca University. She is also the Chair of the Legal Assistant program at MacEwan University.
As if she is not busy enough teaching at MacEwan University and Athabasca University, Lorrie commits her time to the CPLED Program because she sees it as an opportunity for students to practice and develop their competence in areas that they might not encounter in their articling year. She believes it is important for students to develop a basic level of competence in key practice areas.
“I find that students genuinely appreciate the opportunity the CPLED program gives them to hone their basic practice skills,” explains Lorrie. “Another great thing about the CPLED program is that students have the opportunity to receive individualized feedback and improve on their skills before their competency is formally assessed in each of the practice areas covered by CPLED.”
Thanks to the commitment and dedication of LGFs and LGEs like Lorrie Adams, CPLED students continue to gain the knowledge they need to become successful lawyers.
If you are interested in becoming an LGF/LGE, contact Bronwyn Connolly at [email protected].