Today is National Indigenous Peoples Day and we are offering a free download. LESA wishes to recognize and celebrate the heritage, language, cultural practices, spiritual beliefs, and contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. In honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day, download our Indigenous Law Conference on-demand program for free today with code NIPD2022.
Indigenous Law Conference (On-Demand)
Explore the plurality of legal systems and the question of how indigenous laws co-exist with common law, examine cultural biases, and understand how different cultures and experiences can affect legal processes and procedures.
Chair: Carly Fox, Fox Fraser LLP
Kristin Barham, Fox Fraser LLP
Racquel Fraser, Fox Fraser LLP
Professor Hadley Friedland, University of Alberta
Drew Lafond, MLT Aikins
Koren Lightning-Earle, Law Society of Alberta
Professor Darcy Lindberg, University of Alberta
Sol Sanderson, Chakastaypasin Cree First Nation
Click here to add LESA’s Indigenous Law Conference (On-Demand) to your cart. Enter the code NIPD2022 in the available field and proceed to checkout to download this on-demand program for free today. Code expires on June 22, 2022.