Immigration Law: What’s New?

Immigration_Aug2013UPDATE: This seminar occurred in the past, and the seminar materials are now available. You can use the LESA Library to access course materials or purchase course materials a la carte. Alternatively, you can view the complete list of upcoming seminars to discover live programs that are available now.

If you’re an immigration practitioner or have an interest in immigration law, you’re probably aware that there have been numerous recent changes in citizenship and immigration in Canada. To keep you updated on the changes, LESA is offering an Immigration seminar in October (October 15 in Edmonton; October 16 in Calgary) that you won’t want to miss.

Co-chairs of the seminar are Mark Holthe, who practices business immigration law at Holthe Tilleman Gross, and Wendy Danson, who practices general law with an emphasis on immigration at McCuaig Desrochers. Both have an extensive background in immigration. Mark previously worked as an Immigration Officer, an experience he has found to be a tremendous asset to his cross border immigration practice. Wendy is a former lecturer in Immigration Law at the University of Alberta and Past Chair of the CBA National Citzenship & Immigration Law Section.

The seminar will be addressing the most important changes as they relate to business immigration law, admissibility to Canada, and permanent resident applications under the family class. And of particular interest to immigration practitioners, Mark and Wendy will be presenting recent changes to both the foreign worker program as well as the family class.

“We will be using practical scenarios throughout the seminar to educate attendees on how immigration laws may apply to real life situations when advising clients. In addition to business immigration, we will discuss permanent resident applications including the economic and family classes as well as admissibility issues,” explains Mark.

Learn more about the Immigration seminar and other upcoming seminars at

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