Volunteer Spotlight: Garnet T. Matsuba

What do hockey statistics and tax law have in common?

Garnet Matsuba can tell you. In fact, he can tell you all about the intricacies of both, as he is not only a tax law specialist with MacPherson Leslie & Tyerman LLP, but he’s also the Edmonton Oilers’ game night statistician. It’s an opportunity to combine two of his passions, and it’s something that keeps him very busy.

“I love it,” he says, of both his work and his game night play. “Both keep me very sharp mentally, and I enjoy the challenge of the work. And it certainly fills the hours.”

But Garnet is not too busy to volunteer with LESA. “I think it’s very important to give back to the legal community,” he says. “Volunteering is an opportunity to share your knowledge, to help others in the community, and that feels good. Plus, I find I’m always learning from my colleagues, which enhances my practice as well.”

One of Garnet’s favorite things about volunteering for LESA is the opportunity to interact with lawyers across practice areas and experience levels. “It is a very interesting chance to network and get to know lawyers in other aspects of the profession,” he says. “It’s a way to be connected to the community and to make a contribution. When you present a paper at LESA, you’re participating in people’s learning, and that kind of direct interaction is very rewarding.”

Garnet comes to tax law via commerce, with both degrees from the University of Alberta, and he’s a proud Edmontonian. “It is an excellent place to live and to build a practice,” he says. Garnet finds himself doing a lot of work with Baby Boomers, as they move into retirement, and he enjoys the challenge of helping them through this major transition. He advises on succession planning for business owners, to proactively address issues that might arise as they ease into retirement. He also finds more and more Canadians are buying American property, and he helps them manage the tax implications of owning property in another country.

“It is interesting work,” he says, “and it’s always changing. New legislation and new technology create new challenges. I’m always learning, and I like helping other people learn as well.”

If you’d like to read Garnet’s most recent paper, “The Successful Business Owner: Planning for Retirement,” please visit our website.

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