January Upcoming Legal Events

January Upcoming Legal Events

Happy New Year!

Discover what’s happening in the legal community this month.


Intellectual Property Law for Non-IP Lawyers | EARLY BIRD EXTENSION January 8
EDMONTON (February 5) | CALGARY (February 12)

Intellectual property rights can be found in nearly every transaction and are often the most valuable asset of any business. If your client has a business name, provides a product or service to others, uses a website or software, gets referenced on social media, creates or improves on technology, or has confidential business information such as customer lists and data, they have IP rights to consider. Join experienced IP practitioners and develop strategies to protect your clients.

Junior Lawyer Series (Session #4) | SOLD OUT!
EDMONTON (January 17)

Hear the Bench’s perspective on recent jurisprudential developments in the Alberta Courts regarding the law of summary judgment and summary dismissal. Brief Q & A session to follow.

Civil Enforcement Fundamentals
EDMONTON (January 22) | CALGARY (January 29)

Learn how the Civil Enforcement Act works with other legislation for the enforcement of distraint for rents, personal property seizures under security agreements, Notices to enforce security, and possession under Court Orders. Learn how distributions are determined and where priorities are given so you can provide proper advice to your clients about the costs/benefits of Civil Enforcement. Explore post-judgment enforcement and how to maximize your client’s return.

Wills and EPAs—Commonly Occurring Issues
EDMONTON (January 23) | CALGARY (January 30)

Wills and enduring powers of attorney are essential to an effective estate plan. Analyze common issues that arise in the drafting of these documents. Discover how to avoid these issues before they arise or deal with them if they do.

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