Jennifer Flynn to Join LESA’s Alumni

After nearly a decade as part of LESA’s leadership team, Jennifer Flynn will be transitioning out of her position as Executive Director effective May 10, 2017. Her open letter to teammates, supporters, and friends is here.

Aaron Martens, Chair of the LESA Board, notes “Jennifer’s leadership and presence will be sorely missed by all of us at LESA but we are excited for her future prospects. Luckily, LESA finds itself very well positioned for the future.”

“Serving as LESA’s Executive Director has been an honour and a privilege,” says Jennifer, “I could not have imagined a vantage point that provides a more inspiring view of the Alberta legal profession. This really has been a dream job.”

Transitions are a natural part of learning and growing. While change isn’t always easy, Jennifer is excited about the future: “I have tremendous confidence in LESA and I can’t wait to see how the organization will evolve and flourish in the years to come.”

LESA looks forward to celebrating Jennifer’s contributions in the next few months.

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