July Upcoming Legal Events

July Upcoming Legal Events

It’s the beginning of July, which means the start of a new educational year at LESA. Watch for the arrival of the 2017/2018 Educational Calendar in your mailbox, filled with a fresh list of programs, Seminars on Demand, and key dates you won’t want to miss.

Want to plan ahead? Take a look at our online program listing, and reserve your spot in our collaborative programs. Check back to discover other upcoming programs that will soon be available for registration.

Interested in accessing the latest LESA Seminars on Demand? Head to the LESA Classroom and check out what’s new.


The 2017/2018 Student Guide and Program Agreement have been posted. Students from Alberta and the Northwest Territories can now pay tuition for the upcoming year. The deadline for documentation and fees is July 28. Get more information at on.lesa.org/CPLED.

Legal Community Events


Don’t miss the opportunity to win your firm the grand prize at AssistFit’s Line Dancing: Whoop-Up, July 11. The firm or organization that gets the most people on the dance floor wins a grand prize from Assist.

Location: Wildhorse Saloon | 500 6 Avenue SW | Calgary, AB
Time: 4:30 PM–5:30 PM

If you want LESA’s help to raise awareness about an upcoming event relevant to the Alberta legal community, nnnnnnnnnnnn contact Andrea Maltais, Communications Coordinator.

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