June 2016 Upcoming Legal Events

June 2016 Upcoming Legal events

June Programs

Find out what programs and events are coming up in June 2016, including the last programs offered by LESA in the 2015/2016 educational year!

Criminal Law 25

Register online to attend in Calgary (June 3) or in Edmonton (June 10).

Issues in the area of criminal law are multifaceted and increasingly complex. Gain insight from multiple perspectives, including the Judiciary, Crown, and Defence, and learn the practical considerations one must take into account where court interpretation becomes a quandary at Criminal Law 25.

Read our blog with seminar chair the Honourable Justice R.P. Belzil for more details, including why this program is valuable.

The Constitution in the Insolvency Tool Box

Register online to attend in Edmonton (June 9).

How do insolvency proceedings interfere with a regulator’s powers under provincial legislation? How have recent Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decisions shaped the paramountcy doctrine? How has the priority ranking of creditors been molded by constitutional doctrine? Find out all of this and more at the Constitution in the Insolvency Tool Box!

Check out our blog with seminar co-chair Dr. Anna Lund for more details, including a sneak preview of her discussion topic.

34th Annual Intensive Advocacy

Register online to attend in Calgary (June 13 – 18).

There is 1 spot available in the 34th Annual intensive Advocacy program! Don’t miss the opportunity to attend the most intensive advocacy skills course for litigators in Western Canada. Learn how to examine-in-chief, cross-examine, object to improper questions, enter exhibits, and much more!

Visit our blog with experienced panelist Tim Mavko for more details, including a sneak peek of what this week-long workshop has to offer.

ESILaw Boot Camp

Register online to attend in Edmonton (June 13) or in Calgary (June 14).

Are you a timekeeper, bookkeeper, firm administrator, or lawyer looking to enhance your ESILaw skills? If so, join us for the ESILaw Boot Camp! Discover valuable tools and learn time saving tips for managing clients, producing comprehensive reports, covering year end procedures, and more!

Read our blog with experienced faculty member Cathy Boyd to find out what you can expect from this program.


LESA is currently recruiting facilitators and evaluators for both the 7 online modules and the 3 face-to-face sessions that comprise the CPLED program. Please note that CPLED facilitators and evaluators must have a minimum 4 years at the bar.

Visit our blog for more information, including how you can get involved! Questions? Contact LESA’s Education Coordinator, Bronwyn Connolly.

Legal Community Events

Annual AJEFA Banquet and Meeting

The Association des jurists d’expression française de l’Alberta (AJEFA) is hosting their Annual Banquet and General Meeting on June 10, at the Derrick Golf & Winter Club in Edmonton.

Check out our blog for more information, including discussion topics, speakers, ticket pricing, and more!


If you are looking for a way to help those affected by the Fort McMurray wildfires, we invite you to join Pro Bono Law Alberta(PBLA), Legal Aid Alberta(LAA), the Law Society of Alberta (LSA), the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) and pro bono clinics across the province to assist Fort McMurray residents through a one-day Fort McMurray Dial-a-Lawyer initiative.

Read our blog to find out how you can get involved!

University of Alberta Alumni & Friends of the Faculty of Law Association: Life After Articling

The University of Alberta Alumni and Friends of the Faculty of Law Association are hosting a dinner seminar for current CPLED students and junior lawyers. Life After Articling: Succeeding as a Junior Lawyer dinner seminar is part of the, Law Alumni & Friends “Pizza and Practice” series.

Read our blog for event details!

If you want LESA’s help to raise awareness about an upcoming event relevant to the Alberta legal community, contact Andrea Maltais, Communications Coordinator.
780.969.0555 or [email protected]

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