LESA Rings in the “New Year” with New Executive Director

On July 1, LESA began a new fiscal year with Jennifer Flynn as the new Executive Director. She succeeds Paul Wood QC  who served as Executive Director since 2009 and was withLESA Staff Photos LESA for 20 years.

Jennifer has a background in business, law, education, technology, and communications.  In the decade prior to her joining the leadership team at LESA, Jennifer worked as a Corporate/Commercial lawyer with a national firm and then as a Business Law instructor at the JR Shaw School of Business. In addition to her degrees in Commerce and Law, Jennifer also holds a Master of Arts in Communications and Technology. Jennifer’s graduate research focused on lawyers’ use and acceptance of technology. For the past five years, Jennifer has served as LESA’s Managing Director.

“Jennifer is right for the role. She has excelled in everything she has done at LESA,” Paul says. “She will be an exceptional Executive Director, and am very comfortable with this transition to her very capable hands.”

Jennifer is excited about the new responsibilities on her plate. “I am very honoured to be taking on this role, and I’m grateful for the support I’ve received from our staff and our friends in the legal community. I look forward to busy and engaging times ahead.”


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