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Allison Barkwell

Barr LLP

On-Demand Programs

  • Practice Foundations: Client Intake in Estate Administration Files (On-Demand)

    Designed for newly called lawyers, or for those looking to revisit the basics, this presentation examines client intake procedures in estate administration matters. Topics include evaluating the needs and expectations of your client; managing the expectations of your client; and developing systems and protocols for the client introduction meeting and intake process. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program on October 26, 2023 as part of our Practice Foundations: Estate Administration program.  Total running time is 1 hour, 3 minutes.
  • Practice Foundations: Estate Administration (On-Demand)

    These programs examine estate administration procedures for “standard” estates and highlight potential issues for estates with unique considerations; identify common challenges and traps in estate administration; explore ethical issues that can arise during estate administration; and consider communication and client relationship management skills/techniques.  The total running time for each presentation ranges between 53 minutes to 1 hour, 32 minutes.
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