Volunteer Profile

Andrea M. Steen


Witten LLP

On-Demand Programs

  • Judgment Enforcement: A Deeper Dive (On-Demand)

    Building upon the foundations of judgment enforcement and going deeper into the practical aspects of enforcement, this webinar will consider strategies along with common traps to avoid. Topics will include:
    • Seizures of personal property in writ proceedings
    • Part 7 of the Civil Enforcement Act (forced sale of land proceedings)
  • May the Enforcement Be with You (On-Demand)

    Explore topics related to the law of judgment enforcement in Alberta. This program is intended for those in their early years of practice, or for those looking to review the fundamentals. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person and livestream program on May 4, 2022. Total running time is 2 hours, 47 minutes.
  • Civil Procedure for Legal Support Staff (On-Demand)

    Legal support staff play a critical role in the civil litigation process. Examine civil procedure issues through the lifecycle of typical civil litigation matters and identify practical strategies and solutions to address these issues. Discuss the interplay between the technical requirements of the law of civil procedure and your day-to-day supporting role. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person and livestream program in December, 2021. Total running time for each presentation is approximately 1 hour. Each presentation in this program is available for individual purchase.
  • Getting the Claim Out the Door for Legal Support Staff (On-Demand)

    Legal support staff play a critical role in the civil litigation process. Explore tips for service and substitutional service of commencement documents. This on-demand program was originally presented as part of our Civil Procedure for Legal Support Staff program on December 3, 2021. Total running time is 55 minutes.


  • Judgment Enforcement Fundamentals

    This paper provides an in-depth overview of the mechanisms provided within the Civil Enforcement Act (RSA 2000, c C-15 [CEA]) which allow enforcement creditors to recover on their judgments. This paper was presented at LESA’s Judgment Enforcement: A Deeper Dive webinar on March 17, 2023.
  • Judgment Enforcement: Learning to Swim

    This paper provides a practical overview of judgment enforcement steps, with a detailed review of garnishment and an outline of important considerations for lawyers and legal support staff when enforcing a judgment. This paper was presented at LESA’s Judgment Enforcement: Learning to Swim webinar on March 10, 2023.
  • Judgment Enforcement Fundamentals

    This paper guides practitioners on the steps needed to enforce a judgment and addresses considerations that must be kept in mind during such enforcement. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s May the Force Be with You program in Edmonton on May 4, 2022.
  • Getting the Claim Out the Door

    This paper will serve as a brief introduction on how to properly serve a commencement document (focusing on Statements of Claim), and what to do if service seems impractical (or seemingly impossible). This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Civil Procedure for Legal Support Staff program in Edmonton on December 3, 2021.
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