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Volunteer Profile

Chandra L Flett

Court of King’s Bench

On-Demand Programs

  • Case Review: Alberta's Recalculation Program After 10 Years (On-Demand)

    In 2010, the Recalculation Program (“RP”) was implemented. Discuss what’s working and issues with RP since then.
  • Family Law Update: Financial Affairs (On-Demand)

    With the current economic situation in Alberta, family lawyers will need to consider financial factors in their clients’ matters. This Webinar on Demand series explores current topics such as the intersection of bankruptcy and family law and costs. This Webinar on Demand series covers a review of recent cases regarding financial issues in separation and divorce.


  • Caselaw Review: Alberta’s Recalculation Program After 10 Years

    2020 marks the 10-year anniversary since the implementation of the Child Support Recalculation Program in Alberta. The impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and other economic factors have resulted in significant income decreases for many Canadians. Review recent case law and consider possible solutions to protect clients. This paper was presented at LESA’s Family Law Updates Part 2: Financial Affairs webinar on November 27, 2020.
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