Volunteer Profile

Ellery Lew

Witten LLP


  • Alberta Business Law Practice Manual

    The Alberta Business Law Practice Manual is a comprehensive resource designed for business lawyers in Alberta. Whether you practice in corporate law, intellectual property law, oil and gas law, or commercial litigation, this manual provides essential information and precedents for any business law practitioner.
  • Alberta Business Law Practice Manual: 2021

    The Alberta Business Law Practice Manual is a comprehensive resource designed for business lawyers in Alberta. Whether you practice in corporate law, intellectual property law, oil and gas law, or commercial litigation, this manual provides essential information and precedents for any business law practitioner.


  • Compelling Production From and Questioning Non-Parties

    The amount of information that may be uncovered during discovery can be significantly broadened by considering records and information held by non-parties. This paper explores several tools available to counsel that may be employed to compel production for non-parties during discovery, including: Norwich orders (r 5.13); introducing evidence from another action (r 6.11(1)(f)); and undertakings to obtain records from third parties (r 5.30(1)(b)). The paper also discusses questioning non-parties under rules 5.17, 5.18, and 6.8, and considers some of the limitations on these rules illustrated by case law. This paper is part of a collection presented at LESA’s Rules of Court 2017 program held in Edmonton on April 6, 2017 and in Calgary on April 20, 2017.
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