Family law practice can be hard. Lawyers must navigate the law, including legislative amendments and common law changes, clients with their own issues (not all of them legal ones), the challenges of carrying on a business/practice, and so on. This roundtable discussion explores challenges that family lawyers may face and provides strategies to address these challenges. This on-demand program was originally presented as an in-person program on December 1, 2023 as part of our Collateral Issues in Family Law program. Total running time is 1 hour, 28 minutes.
Family law practice can be hard. Lawyers must navigate the law, including legislative amendments and common law changes, changes to court procedure, clients with their own issues (not all of them legal ones), the challenges of carrying on a business/practice, and so on. On top of this, many family law clients deal with trauma and this can affect lawyers. These on-demand programs explore these “collateral issues” that family law practitioners face. The total running time for each presentation ranges between 1 hour, 20 minutes and 1 hour, 30 minutes.